Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Kairi's Everything *SoKai* by Namixas

Simply overwhelming, this amv is the best I've seen in a very long time. Behind every clip, there is deep emotion. Namixas has worked hard to ensure that his/her first amv is not a useless lump on top of millions that don't stand out. What makes the amv great isn't the technical editing, but instead the thought that's lying just under the surface of every frame.

To understand the theme and subtext, you first have to understand the song. I suggest watching the amv twice, the second time with the lyrics. The song starts out with the singer talking about the amount of time it's been since her lover left her. Namixas must have a warehouse of Kairi clips, because for every line of prose, there is a clip of Kairi to match it's meaning. Why Kairi? Listen to the song and you'll know instantly.

I don't want to spend too much time talking about the theme because I might ruin it for you. However, I can still talk about the technical editing. The author used what I like to call "clean cuts". "Clean Cuts" means that there are long clips, but the author worked to make sure that all that happens in each clip is matching to all that happens in the song. So instead of using fast cuts, in which the author would just cut to a different clip for each beat, she used clean cuts, to make sure that the message is clear.

The problem with "Clean Cuts" is that it's extremely difficult to have a long clip still time to all of it's beats. In most songs, there are plenty of instruments, and so it is very difficult to have clean cuts. However, Namixas has done it quite well, with scenes that may be long, but have actions to match the beat. For example, in one clip she can match up maybe 4 actions to beats. That's pretty impressive, especially since this is her first time making an amv. She still needs to practice her timing, and there were a few transitions there that weren't necessary.

Overall, the amv was a great. I really enjoyed watching it and reviewing it.


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